WIANZ 2015 VOTE NOW Survey Monkey Banner 13052015

We’re now at a critical point along the road of the Wedding Industry Awards {NZ} journey where all the nominated businesses reach into every pocket of support they can to secure a vote of confidence in their bid to WIN our newest award category – The Hits “People’s Choice” award.

Each of the businesses who’ve made it this far are all well-deserving of accolades, some of whom will be new to many {and new to the wedding industry as a whole}. These newest entrepreneurs will welcome the “spring-board” effect afforded in an award win of this kind. Winning in this category would benefit any business, large or small, newly launched or well established in the New Zealand wedding scene.

However, at day’s end, the power belongs to those whom these businesses serve – you, their valued clients.

We hope you’ll rally to the call of your favourite wedding supplier. Please give them your vote of confidence. The ultimate WINNER will be announced Friday, May 29th at a gala dinner to honour all these fabulous, hard-working, wedding experts.

Who will take home the “People’s Choice” award? We won’t know until May 29th. What we do know for sure is that YOU, present or past client(s) of these amazing and often ‘unsung heroes’ hold the deciding vote. The power is in your vote.

If you haven’t already done so, you can VOTE NOW, simply by clicking HERE

Voting officially closes 11:59pm {NZ time}, Wednesday, May 27th 2015

For MORE info about the awards, click HERE